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Sample Curriculum

This page includes samples of curricula and lesson materials that I have developed over my time at Dickinson. They were chosen to try and give a wide a view as possible of my educational experience; therefore, the first comes from my work for the Dickinson College Farm's SEED program, the second from my work as a Writing Associate with a college-level educational research class, and the third from classwork done for a curriculum development class. 

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Lesson Plan

Farm-Based Experiential Lesson

A farm-based lesson for 2nd graders. This lesson plan covers three days: two classroom lessons intended to be given multiple times to smaller classes with one longer farm visit in between intended for a larger group. This lesson plan has been implemented and revised several times.

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PPt Materials

College-Level Writing Lesson

A lesson intended to introduce a college-level class to the form and purpose of literature reviews. This PowerPoint supplement includes a lecture portion and an activity portion. The activity handout included excerpts from a literature review, annotated bibliography, and study introduction. This lesson has been implemented and revised several times.


Unit Plan

Classroom Sustainability Unit

A 10-day classroom unit for 7th grade on sustainability's impact on everyday life. It includes sample lesson plans, assessments, and projects along with the overall unit outline. This unit was constructed for a curriculum class and has not been implemented.


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